Placitas KDO

childcare for everyone

Go ahead. Catch up on the dishes. Finish that project. The kids are safe with us. :)


Las Placitas MDO is doing a fantastic fundraiser! Come join us for the FIRST annual FunRacer on Saturday, September 22nd!

Some details: 

This fundraiser will benefit Placitas MDO, the Placitas library, and the local radio station KUPR, all of which are nonprofits. As nonprofits, they don't benefit from tax dollars, so this is a key funding event for our community.

Race options include the 1 mile Kids' Fun Run, a 1 mile, a 5k, and a 10k. The kids' run is specifically for children only, 12 and under, but kids can run in ANY race if you want to be right by their side. In addition, the 1 mile and 5k options allow walking AND running as well as dogs, so you can bring the whole family! You can sign up by clicking here.

If you'd rather cheer than participate, that's great, too; a minimum of 6 volunteers is required for each fundraising organization. Handily, participation is easy. Simply meet up about a week in advance at the race location, go over your roles with the race director, then the day of the race you'll show up to do the actual work - and you'll be done by noon! Bonus: got a lime green safety vest? Loans are needed!

Finally, if you know of a great sponsorship opportunity (perhaps at work), please check in! The race director, David Kinney, will happily come speak to any potential sponsors and provide further information on how they can support their local community. 

To volunteer, Placitas MDO members can contact MDO members Annette or Christy to help, and non-MDO members can volunteer via the main website

See you at the run!